
Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart. (Confucius)


Noise Generation

reference: http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/rbf/HIPR2/noise.htm

Noise Generation

Common Names: Noise Generation

Brief Description

Real world signals usually contain departures from the ideal signal that would be produced by our model of the signal production process. Such departures are referred to as noise. Noise arises as a result of unmodelled or unmodellable processes going on in the production and capture of the real signal. It is not part of the ideal signal and may be caused by a wide range of sources, e.g. variations in the detector sensitivity, environmental variations, the discrete nature of radiation, transmission or quantization errors, etc. It is also possible to treat irrelevant scene details as if they are image noise (e.g. surface reflectance textures). The characteristics of noise depend on its source, as does the operator which best reduces its effects.
Many image processing packages contain operators to artificially add noise to an image. Deliberately corrupting an image with noise allows us to test the resistance of an image processing operator to noise and assess the performance of various noise filters.

How It Works

Noise can generally be grouped into two classes:

  • independent noise.
  • noise which is dependent on the image data.
Image independent noise can often be described by an additive noise model, where the recorded image f(i,j) is the sum of the true image s(i,j) and the noise n(i,j):
The noise n(i,j) is often zero-mean and described by its variance Eqn:eqnnois2. The impact of the noise on the image is often described by the signal to noise ratio (SNR), which is given by
where Eqn:eqnnois4 and Eqn:eqnnois5 are the variances of the true image and the recorded image, respectively.In many cases, additive noise is evenly distributed over the frequency domain (i.e. white noise), whereas an image contains mostly low frequency information. Hence, the noise is dominant for high frequencies and its effects can be reduced using some kind of lowpass filter. This can be done either with a frequency filter or with a spatial filter. (Often a spatial filter is preferable, as it is computationally less expensive than a frequency filter.)
In the second case of data-dependent noise (e.g. arising when monochromatic radiation is scattered from a surface whose roughness is of the order of a wavelength, causing wave interference which results in image speckle), it is possible to model noise with a multiplicative, or non-linear, model. These models are mathematically more complicated; hence, if possible, the noise is assumed to be data independent.
Detector Noise
One kind of noise which occurs in all recorded images to a certain extent is detector noise. This kind of noise is due to the discrete nature of radiation, i.e. the fact that each imaging system is recording an image by counting photons. Allowing some assumptions (which are valid for many applications) this noise can be modeled with an independent, additive model, where the noise n(i,j) has a zero-mean Gaussian distribution described by its standard deviation (Eqn:eqnsigma), or variance. (The 1-D Gaussian distribution has the form shown in Figure 1.) This means that each pixel in the noisy image is the sum of the true pixel value and a random, Gaussian distributed noise value.

Figure 1 1-D Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1

Salt and Pepper Noise
Another common form of noise is data drop-out noise (commonly referred to as intensity spikesspeckle or salt and pepper noise). Here, the noise is caused by errors in the data transmission. The corrupted pixels are either set to the maximum value (which looks like snow in the image) or have single bits flipped over. In some cases, single pixels are set alternatively to zero or to the maximum value, giving the image a `salt and pepper' like appearance. Unaffected pixels always remain unchanged. The noise is usually quantified by the percentage of pixels which are corrupted.

Guidelines for Use

In this section we will show some examples of images corrupted with different kinds of noise and give a short overview of which noise reduction operators are most appropriate. A fuller discussion of the effects of the operators is given in the corresponding worksheets.
Gaussian Noise
We will begin by considering additive noise with a Gaussian distribution. If we add Gaussian noise with Eqn:eqnsigma values of 8, we obtain the image
Increasing Eqn:eqnsigma yields
for Eqn:eqnsigma=13 and 20. Compare these images to the original

Gaussian noise can be reduced using a spatial filter. However, it must be kept in mind that when smoothing an image, we reduce not only the noise, but also the fine-scaled image details because they also correspond to blocked high frequencies. The most effective basic spatial filtering techniques for noise removal include: mean filteringmedian filtering and Gaussian smoothingCrimmins Speckle Removal filter can also produce good noise removal. More sophisticated algorithms which utilize statistical properties of the image and/or noise fields exist for noise removal. For example, adaptive smoothing algorithms may be defined which adjust the filter response according to local variations in the statistical properties of the data.
Salt and Pepper Noise
In the following examples, images have been corrupted with various kinds and amounts of drop-out noise. In
pixels have been set to 0 or 255 with probability p=1%. In
pixel bits were flipped with p=3%, and in
5% of the pixels (whose locations are chosen at random) are set to the maximum value, producing the snowy appearance.
For this kind of noise, conventional lowpass filtering, e.g. mean filtering or Gaussian smoothing is relatively unsuccessful because the corrupted pixel value can vary significantly from the original and therefore the mean can be significantly different from the true value. A median filter removes drop-out noise more efficiently and at the same time preserves the edges and small details in the image better. Conservative smoothing can be used to obtain a result which preserves a great deal of high frequency detail, but is only effective at reducing low levels of noise.

Interactive Experimentation

You can interactively experiment with this operator by clicking here.


  1. The image
    is a binary chessboard image with 2% of drop-out noise. Which operator yields the best results in removing the noise?
  2. The image
    is the same image corrupted with Gaussian noise with a variance of 180. Is the operator used in Exercise 1 still the most appropriate? Compare the best results obtained from both noisy images.
  3. Compare the images achieved by median filter and mean filter filtering
    with the result that you obtain by applying a frequency lowpass filter to the image. How does the mean filter relate to the frequency filter? Compare the computational costs of mean, median and frequency filtering.


R. Gonzales and R. Woods Digital Image Processing, Addison Wesley, 1992, pp 187 - 213.
A. Jain Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Prentice Hall, 1989, pp 244 - 253, 273 - 275.
E. Davies Machine Vision: Theory, Algorithms and Practicalities, Academic Press, 1990, pp 29 - 30, 40 - 47, 493.
B. Horn Robot Vision, MIT Press, 1986, Chap. 2.
A. Marion An Introduction to Image Processing, Chapman and Hall, 1991, Chap. 5.


Eclipse CDT winth MinGW-w64

This tutorial discusses how you can use MinGW 64-bit and Eclipse to build an application.  This tutorial is based on 64-bit MinGW (probably version 4.5--the version is not clear from the download page) and Eclipse Galieo (SR2 Build ID:2010 02 18-1602) and Eclipse Helios (SR1 for Windows 64 bit, eclipse-cpp-helios-SR1-win32-x86_64). The following parts of this tutorial assume that you already installed Eclipse and MinGW 64-bit at your preferred paths and will only discuss how you can change Eclipse settings to build and run your applications.

Get Compiler

The first task is to obtain a proper MinGW w64 compiler.  Although our target platform is Windows 64-bit, the compiler may be a 32-bit application that performs cross-compilation for you.  You can choose your preferred version from here.  There are some significant different for personal and automated builds (as of Dec 2010).  For example, the sezero build I used (mingw-w64-bin_x86_64-mingw_20101003_sezero) is 64-bit binary producing 64-bit application, while a binary from the automated build (mingw-w64-1.0-bin_i686-mingw_20101129) is 32-bit binary generating 64-bit application.  Technically, the automated build performs cross-compilation, while the sezero build performs native compilation.  As sezero build has a conventional directory structures and file names (same as MinGW 32-bit), I recommend using the sezero build.  It will save you a lot of time and you will not encounter some naming troubles in later steps.

In summary, from the link provided above, it is best if you go to the 'Personal Builds' section and download the latest sezero build.  This is probably the best way to use Windows 64-bit to generate 64-bit applications.

Change Compiler Settings (Galieo SR2)

  1. Go to menu Project->Properties.
  2. Go to node C/C++ Build->Environment.
  3. Update the path variable according to your MinGW w64 installation.  For example, change it to C:\MinGW_w64\bin. 
  4. Switch to topic C/C++ Build->Settings.
  5. [update (Dec 27, 2010): some recent MinGW versions (native compilation) come with 'as', 'g++', and 'gcc' commands. This step may be unnecessary for your MinGW build. However, some versions (cross-compilation) still have this issue and this step is required.  If you use sezero build, this step is probably unnecessary.]

    There are four commands to update: GCC Assembler, GCC C++ Assembler, GCC C Compiler, and MinGW C++ Linker.  Correct commands depends on the platform of MinGW w64 you choose.  No worry.  It is quite obvious to know what commands to use, as the command names are in the format [platform prefix]-[default command].exe.  For example, we need to update the command 'as', 'g++', 'gcc', and 'g++' for GCC assembler, C++ compiler, C compiler and C++ linker, respectively.  The correct commands may be 'x86_64-w64-mingw32-as', 'x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++', 'x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc', and 'x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++', respectively.

Change Compiler Settings (Helios SR1)

Eclipse Helios is virtually blank regarding compiler configurations, but it seems to be compatible with various GCC toolchains (Mac, Solaris, Cygwin, MinGW, and Linux).  Our first task is to choose a proper toolchain as follows.
  1. Go to menu Project->Properties.
  2. Go to node 'Tool Chain Editor.' (The spelling of toolchain in Eclipse is not consistent.  There are both 'tool chain' and 'toolchain.')
  3. Set the current toolchain to 'MinGW GCC.'
  4. Set the current builder to 'CDT Internal Builder.'  You are free to use 'GNU Make Builder' if you prefer.
  5. Go to node 'Settings.'
  6. Change the path of compiler/assembler commands.  For example, highlight 'GCC C++ Compiler' and change the command to 'C:\MinGW_64bit\bin\g++' if you save MinGW at C:\MinGW_64bit.
There is no path variable any more, but there is a new node called 'Discovery Options' inside 'C/C++ Build.'  If we check 'Automate discovery paths and symbols,' most path settings are not necessary during program compilation.

If you employ OpenMP, you might want to see more detail at this site.  Basically, you have to change the miscellaneous flag of GCC C++ Compiler and MinGW C++ Linker to include -fopenmp.  Remember, however, that we have to change run-time settings, as OpenMP requires additional run-time libraries.

Change Default Include Folders

(This step is required for Galieo, but not for Helios.  If you use Helios and choose 'Automate discovery paths and symbols' in 'C/C++ Build,' the defualt include folders should be correct right of the beginning.)

It is quite painful in this part, as Eclipse uses the C:/mingw by default.  If you have multiple versions of MinGW, you have to change them.  Fortunately, (almost) all include files are all the same among versions.  Therefore, if we add header files to the default MinGW installation path, things should work across versions.  These are, however, the include paths for the Eclipse editor.  This means that Eclipse source-code editor can parse and show some hints if we add header files to the default 32-bit MinGW path, even though we are going to use 64-bit MinGW to perform actual program compilation.  Therefore, for actual compilation, we need true addendum to an include folder that a compiler uses.  See an example below.

Example: add OpenGL header files to Eclipse for actual compilation.
If we want to add header files to a 'global' include folder, such as GL, the include folder that will make things work has a platform prefix, say 'x86_64-w64-mingw32\include'.  This is the case when we call gcc with the same prefix from a bin directory, such as 'x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc.exe'.  Addition of header files in other directories has no effect in actual compilation.

Change Run-Time Settings

At this step, you can build your 64-bit application, but you probably see that you cannot run it, even within the Eclipse environment itself.  Your program might just be terminated without any reported error message.  To deal with the problem, you also need to change run-time settings as follows.
  1. Go to menu 'Run->Run Configurations...'
  2. Go to tab 'Environment'.
  3. Create a environment variable by using the 'New' button.
  4. In a new popup window, set 'Name' to PATH and 'Value' to $PATH;C:\MinGW_64bit\bin, provided that C:\MinGW_64bit is the installation folder for your 64-bit MinGW.  Note: if you have more paths to include, separate them with a semi-colon.
Alternatively, you can set Windows environment path variable to include the MinGW path.  Nonetheless, if you have both 32-bit and 64-bit MinGW in the paths, some DLL names may cause DLL conflict and you may get 32-bit library instead of 64-bit library when you call your program.  If your machine, however, has only 64-bit MinGW, using the Windows path variable is probably the most convenient way because you will have no need to create a path variable in Eclipse run-time settings for this purpose again.  Nevertheless, dealing with Eclipse run-time settings does not need admin previlage to execute and it is always a viable option.

Because setting the Eclipse environment variable does not change any path variable outside Eclipse, we cannot run the application by double clicking on it or calling at command prompt, unless path variable for the executable session is set.  To temporarily change Windows path variable, a command 'set path=%path$;C:\MinGW_64bit\bin' may be used [ref:http://vlaurie.com/computers2/Articles/environment.htm].  Again, separate library paths with a semi-colon if you have multiple library paths to add.  This effectively appends the MinGW path to the existing path variable, specifically for the command prompt session.  Therefore, it may be a bit awkward if we want to call an executable file from Windows Explorer, as a batch file may need to be created.

OpenMP Note: for sezero's MinGW build, you may need to unpack pthreads-w64.zip into the root of your MinGW folder (C:\MinGW_64bit) so that required OpenMP run-time libraries are available in a proper place.

Tips: some error messages from Windows may not show up in Eclipse when we run or debug our programs within Eclipse environment.  Try using a command prompt (cmd.exe) and you may see more informative error messages.

Optional: Using MSYS to check if the compiled application is 64-bit

There are at least two ways to check if an application is 64-bit or 32-bit.  The easiest way is to run it and see its process name in the Windows Task Manager.  If the process name has a suffix *32, it is 32-bit.  If there is no such suffix, it is 64-bit.  There is another way.  It is less convenient in my opinion, but you can probably use it to check your application programmatically without running it at all.  This is possible if you use MSYS as discussed below.

  1. Copy the executable file to a place where MSYS environment can reach.  This is probably your home folder in C:\msys.
  2. Enter 'file my_executable.exe'.  For MSYS 1.0.11 32 bits (I ran it on 64-bit Windows 7), a 64-bit executable will get a message 'my_executable.exe: PE executable for MS Windows'.  There is nothing about 32-bit or 64-bit tags showing up.  A 32-bit executable, however, will get a message 'my_executable.exe: PE executable for MS Windows (console) Intel 80386 32-bit'.  Namely, a 32-bit executable gets a clear description about its platform, while a 64-bit executable does not get any definite description.  This is analogous to what the Task Manager does.

    For more recent version of MSYS, the file command gives PE32 for a 32-bit executable and PE32+ for a 64-bit executable.

Pinyo Taeprasartsit
(May, Dec 2010)

This document can be viewed at my blog and my Google docs.  I welcome questions, comments, and suggestions.  Please leave a message in my blog if you have any.  Thank you.


VirtualBox: using Guest OS on physical partition

Setting up VirtualBox to boot linux from the physical Drive

In case of windows operating system,

cd c:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\

VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename /path/to/file.vmdk -rawdisk \\.\PhysicalDrive?
- ? is the number of physical drive.